
This khanqah is situated in Mangal Bazar (Ashraaftola)of kasba Sandila.Inside the khanqah,the tomb of Makhdoom Zada Hazrat Sayyad Muhammad Ahmad Shah Sultan Alam (Rh.),Almarof  Makhdoom Zada Aalaha Hazrat Sayyad Sharffudeen Ahmad Shah Mahmood Alam Sagar Miyan Ahmadi, Qadri, Chishti, Nizami,Niyazi,Suharwardi,Naqshbandi,Mujaddadi (Rh.)are present There is also a tomb of Kutub Sahab and a tomb of Hazrat Hakim Sahab (Rh.),in this khanqah.Urs is celebrated here every year.In this khanqah ,there is also a provision of Madarsa for the education of girls,in which education is given free of cost. There are three entrance gates,one of which is a big gate in front of the shrine,the second is on the left side of the Sahabe Mazar and the third gate is on the right side of theold entrance.There is big Hall in front of the tomb,in which on the occasion of Urs,the program of "SAMA Qawwali","Qul Fatiha"of the family take place.The arrangement for the women from thii Hall on gooig inside towards the dining room,in which seating arrangement are made for ladieson the occasion of Urs.Apart from this,the arrangement for resting for the qawwals on the left side of the Madarsa . The classrom arrangement for Madarsa is on the right side of the tomb.There is a Munsary tree planted outside the hall in front of Mazar and hall area.Construction work of dome and minaret is going on.There are special arrangements to stay here the devotees and pilgrims coming from other countries.And food is also provided.Khanqah are also organized like islami tarikhi program which are performed by the Sajjada Nasheen, like the gathering on 10th Muharram.A program of the gathering of 12th Rabiul Awwal,program of the womens's Milad,and program of the gathering in honor of Hazrat Khwaja Gareeb Nawaz Rahemtullaalaih on 6th of Rajjab.Every Friday a gathering is held at diffirent Islami Jalse in which all the worshipers and scholars from the town are invited.By the mercy and grace of Allah Almighty, the light of blessings and mercy always showers on the Shrines of Auliya Allah.

May Allah Almighty grant us all blessings and mercy by living under their shadow and through them

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